Available Data

Below we list the datasets hosted in EconData. Dataflow IDs (used in the R package) are given in monospace font after each dataflow name. The h1 headings comprise category schema (mostly reflecting data providers); the first bullet level comprises categories, and the second bullet level comprises dataflows. (Sometimes we split up a dataset into multiple dataflows if it is too large, for which we use a third bullet hierarchy below.)

Statistics South Africa (StatsSA)

  • Primary Sector
    • Mining MINING
  • Secondary Sector
    • Electricity Production ELECTRICITY
    • Manufacturing MANUFACTURING
  • Judiciary
    • Civil Cases for Debt CIVIL_CASES
    • Liquidations and Insolvencies LIQUIDATIONS
  • Price Indicies (Inflation)
    • CPI Analytical Series CPI_ANL_SERIES
    • CPI COICOP 5-digits CPI_COICOP_5
      The Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP) is the international reference classification of household expenditure.
    • CPI Weights CPI_WEIGHTS
    • Producer Price Index PPI
  • Travel
    • Land Transport LAND_TRANSPORT
    • Tourism and Migration MIGRATION
    • Tourist Accommodation TOURIST_ACCOMMODATION
  • Trade
    • Motor Trade MOTOR_TRADE
    • Retail Trade RETAIL
    • Wholesale Trade WHOLESALE
  • Human Capital
    • Regional Population Data POPULATION_DATA_REG
    • SARB Population Data POPULATION_DATA
    • Quarterly Labour Force Survey QLFS (Subscriber-only.)

Public Finance and Accounts

Reports on aggregate balance sheets and government budgets. Public finance assesses government revenue and expenditure of the public authorities and adjustments that are made. It includes accounting, budgeting and debt, at various geospatial levels.

  • National Treasury of South Africa
    Subscriber-only. The National Treasury is responsible for managing South Africa’s national government finances.
    • National Tables
      • Government Main Budget GOVTBUDGET
      • Main Budget Estimate of National Revenue GOVTREVENUE
      • Consolidated Transfers (Economic Classification) GOVTTRANSFERS
      • Consolidated Government (Economic Classification) GOVT_CON_ECON
      • Consolidated Government Budget Balance GOVT_CON_BUDGET
      • Government Debt GOVTDEBT
      • Government Contingent Liabilities GOVTGUARANTEES
    • National Annexure Tables
      • Consolidated budget annexures GOVTANNEX_CONS
      • Provincial budget annexures GOVTANNEX_PROV
    • Provincial Tables
  • Accounts from StatsSA
    • National Accounts NATL_ACC
    • Regional National Accounts NATL_ACC_REG

Banking Sector Data (Basel Regulatory Reporting)


  • BA100-series (financial returns)
    • BA100 Bank Balance Sheet (IFRS) BA100
    • DI100 Bank Balance Sheet (IFRS) (pre-2008) DI100
    • BA120 Bank Income Statement (IFRS) BA120
  • BA200 (Credit Risk)
    • BA200 Bank Credit Risk Exposure BA200
    • DI200 Bank Income Statement (IFRS) (pre-2008) DI200
  • BA300-series (Liquidity Risk)
    • BA325 Bank Selected Risk Exposure BA325
  • BA700 (Capital Adequacy)
    • BA700 Bank Capital Adequacy BA700
  • BA900 (balance sheets)

South African Reserve Bank (SARB)

Unless otherwise stated, we use the SARB API as our data source.

  • Data by sector
    SARB reports on aggregate assets and government transactions, including government income and expenditure.
    • External Sector EXTERNAL_SECTOR
    • Financial Sector FINANCIAL_SECTOR
    • Fiscal Sector FISCAL_SECTOR
    • National Accounts NATL_ACC_SARB
  • Indicators
    • Business Cycles BUSINESS_CYCLES
    • Other Macroeconomic Indicators OTHER_INDICATORS
  • Rates
    • CPD Interest Rates CPD_RATES
    • Market Rates MARKET_RATES
    • Codera Exchange Rate Forecasts FX_FCAST (Subscriber-only.)
  • Quarterly Bulletin
    • 1. Money and Banking QB_MONBANK
    • 2. Capital Market QB_CAPMARK
    • 3. Public Finance QB_PUBLFIN
    • 4. External Economic Accounts QB_BALNPAY
    • 5. National Accounts QB_NATLACC
    • 6. General Economic Indicators QB_BUSCYCL

Association for Savings and Investment South Africa

The Association for Savings and Investment South Africa (ASISA) represents the collective interests of the country’s asset managers, collective investment scheme management companies, linked investment service providers, multi-managers and life insurance companies. EconData hosts key series provided publicly by ASISA. Subscriber-only.